Guest Post: Why do you run? (Week 2)
We will have guest posts throughout July, August, and September from Joel Ramos, a fellow Wichitan who is running for the cause! Get to know him and cheer him on as he trains for the Race for Freedom 5k! You can also ask questions and learn from his training. We hope you enjoy as you train! ~Race for Freedom Team
Hope everyone had an awesome week! It was pretty uneventful for me last week, but it wasn’t because I wanted it to be. My weekly ‘work-out’ routine starts with open-gym, 5 on 5 basketball on Mondays for a couple hours. After that, I try and make Wednesday a running day. Thursday nights are for league softball with my church. Another run on one or two days of the weekend caps off the week.
I was invited to play with my little brother’s rec-league basketball team last Thursday. They needed a ringer, and since none of the WSU basketball players were available, they asked me! :-) I also had two softball games that evening, so it was going to be a very busy night for me. Close to the end of the basketball game, I went diving for a loose ball. As I was getting up, an opposing player, who was also getting up, accidentally (I hope) hit me in calf with his knee. O.U.C.H.!!!!!!!!! I tried to get up and walk it off, but I could not. Call it what you want, cramp, charlie horse, contusion, muscle bruise, it HURT!!!! I was unable to play softball that night or do any type of running/walking all weekend. Today is the best it’s felt, so I hope to ease back in, hopefully without re-injuring myself. Lots of heat, ice and stretching is what I’ve been doing and continue to do until it’s back to normal.
I also got my new pair of running shoes on Friday. The shoes I chose were Mizuno Alchemy Wave 12’s. I have moderate pronation, plus flat and wide feet, so those were the shoes recommended for my feet. I have yet to use them, but I have worn them around the house. They feel pretty good, and I can’t wait to try them out in the neighborhood this week. I was wearing Nike Free’s, and they felt good, but I was starting to wear them out on the outside toes, and also on the bottom, inside portion of the shoe. Hopefully the new shoes will help with comfort and keeping my feet more controlled when I run.
I’ll report back next week about the shoes, hopefully the calf holds up! Have a great week everyone! Happy running!